INTA35 Newsletter#1 Rhone-Alps Metropolises

Rhone-Alps Metropolises welcome the INTA35 World Congress

This region represents an interesting variety of urban and metropolitan situations with the new metropolitan jurisdiction that is planned around the Greater Lyon and Grenoble Alpes Métropole, two major urban regions in the heart of the alpine corridor.

Both metropolises of the Rhône Alps illustrate the variety of territorial strategies to maximise the natural, cultural and social assets. Together they have access to a complex infrastructure network that link them to the world: ports, airports, interfaces of logistics and transport, hubs of innovation, dense networks of universities, the intersection of knowledge production, river, land and air corridors, etc.

The Congress will make a comparison between the functioning of the city regions in the Rhône Alps Region with that of other jurisdictions in the world which will help to improve our understanding of new metropolitan dynamics with the purpose to reduce uncertainty to changes, to respond pragmatically to questions about the future and todevelop measures and instruments for a more sustainable development.

More information on the programme of the Congress on